High-Flying introduced strategic partner Lierda Science and Technology Co.

  • Date: 2013-04-18
  • Hits: 5027

April. 2013. Shanghai High-Flying introduced strategicpartnerLierda Science and Technology Co. to promote all series of Wi-Fi modules. Lierda Science and Technology Co. link as follows:


 Lierda Science and Technology Co. Ltd (LSD) is a modern Chinese enterprise that provides embedded system solutions and M2M (Machine-2-Machine) application products. The LSD headquarter, The Lierda Building, is located in the one of the most well known tourist city in China, Hangzhou. LSD have over 10 years of great experience in the industry, having all sorts of elites in different area, from researches to product developments as well as marketing to management, aiming to provide the best quality services and products to our customers and users.